In addition to our in-stock profiles, Gordon also offers custom capabilities for creating any number of unique profiles.


Alternative Profiles

Note the clearance dimensions. The profiles shown below require a nonstandard light fixture and additional lead time.

Hangers & Splices

Positive locking splices assure virtually invisible joints and a strong assembly. The light cove hanger bracket doubles as an integral shelf for a standard tube lighting strip. Hangers are provided and should be installed 4’ o.c. and adjacent to joints.


Inside and outside corners at any angle are factory mitered and welded for clean lines and the elimination of labor intensive fieldwork. Straight lengths are spliced to corners, joints are filled with caulk, and the entire system can be painted right along with the wall or factory finished in a custom color.

Custom Reflectors

Custom Reflectors create unique lighting. Combine any extruded aluminum light cove with a variety of custom reflectors to create exactly the lighting effect desired.

Finish Options

AAMA 2604 Powder Coating Finishes Download PDF

AAMA 2605 Powder Coating Finishes Download PDF

Therapeutic Powder Coat Finishes Download PDF

Antimicrobial Finishes

Green By Design

  • Products contribute to LEED® certification
  • In-House Finishes
    • Biodegradable pre-treatment and powder coating (no phosphates)
    • No hazardous waste
    • No VOC’s
    • No Heavy Metals
    • Reference our sustainability page for more information.

Product Data

Light Cove 1066R Detail

Light Cove 1076 Detail

Light Cove 1096 Detail

Light Cove 1106T Detail

Light Cove 1206T Detail

WTC1 Light Cove Detail

Light Cove Specifications

Installation Instructions – Light Cove

Installation Instructions – Light Cove WTC1

Cleaning & Maintenance

PRODUCTSProfiles and TrimsCoves, Shelves and PocketsLIGHT COVES