Corrugated Acoustical Wall Panels
Acoustical Wall Panels
ALPRO® Wall Panels provide an affordable solution for any space where noise abatement is required. ALPRO Wall Panels are available in 3 corrugation patterns and finished in your choice of standard or custom color matched powder coating. In typical installations, ALPRO Wall Panels are fastened to “Z” furring attached to existing structures to create a cavity filled with acoustical pads. Panels may be lapped for a continuous look or separated to present a modular appearance. ALPRO provides perimeter trims finished to accurately match the wall panels.
Features & Benefits

Panel Options
- Perforated
- Aluminum panels may be installed in any interior or exterior environment
- Steel Panels – These panels are recommended for interior applications in potentially high abuse areas
Material Options
- Aluminum – 0.032″ thickness in stucco-embossed or smooth surface
- Steel Panels
- 22, 24 and 26 gauge thickness
- Smooth surface, G-90 galvanized
- Perimeter Trims
- Encapsulated Acoustical Pads
Corrugation Pattern Options
Pattern C
Pattern F
Pattern J
Data on Acoustics

Finish Options
AAMA 2604 Powder Coating Finishes Download PDF
AAMA 2605 Powder Coating Finishes Download PDF
Antimicrobial Finishes
Perforation Pattern

Green By Design
- Products contribute to LEED® certification
- In-House Finishes
- Biodegradable pre-treatment and powder coating (no phosphates)
- No hazardous waste
- No VOC’s
- No Heavy Metals
- Reference our sustainability page for more information.